Outside of Serenity

I lean back--
stretch­ing, star­ing at the starry sky above me
eyes ab­sorb­ing an­cient waves of light
miles they've trav­eled hum­ble my tired body

Warm water works its way around my calves
el­bows sink into the silt below
steam curls up into nim­ble wraiths
water their womb, sky their home

Stars gaze down--
I shy away, they are many, I am but one
they tug at the steam and on my heart­strings
urg­ing me to wan­der and to tire­lessly roam

The water's sur­face shiv­ers with light
the re­flec­tions send my nerves rac­ing
I close my eyes, the breeze picks up
deep in­hale, my lungs are shak­ing

I plunge into the quiet black
small bub­bles es­cape my lips
at last no light, no fren­zied move­ment
only warm es­cape, sub­tle bliss