I am ashamed to ask

I am ashamed to ask:

What money has to do with me

Write: money with­out ego, rhetor­i­cal di­ver­sions, value judge­ments and going metapo­lit­i­cal

I keep try­ing to write about money with­out rhetoric, with­out ego, with­out de­clar­a­tive state­ments, and with­out going meta. (Ego does rhetoric in po­lit­i­cally self-con­scious de­c­la­ra­tion, then con­de­scends by re­peat­ing the line.) If ironic dis­tance is money m.o., what’s my come-to-je­sus?

First line of ques­tion­ing on the camino real:

Qualms, alms, twenty-nine palms: let’s say there’s a hell
let’s say there’s a road
let’s say more than one
some slicker than oth­ers

and as­phalt pavers?
you said it: costly

sep­a­ra­tion: high­way rob­bery!
your money or your life

(wait is that real no wait
go slow
stick to­gether

Katie from Ken­tucy:

‘go ahead and laugh ‘cause
it don’t cost



coin means wedge